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Renungan Mingguan Kristen


  PETUNJUK CARA BERMAIN "TEBAK KATA ALKITABIAH" 📖 Tema: Pujian Daud: Bersyukur & Memuliakan Tuhan (1 Tawarikh 16:7-37) 🎯 Tujuan: Memahami makna pujian, penyembahan, dan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan berdasarkan firman. 👥 Peserta: Minimal 4 orang (bisa dibagi menjadi 2 tim atau lebih). 🕰️ Durasi: 10-15 menit 🔹 Cara Bermain: 1. Persiapan: Siapkan beberapa kartu kecil berisi kata-kata kunci Alkitabiah dari 1 Tawarikh 16:7-37 (lihat daftar di bawah). Lipat kartu agar kata-kata tidak terlihat sebelum dimulai. 2. Pembagian Tim: Bagi peserta menjadi 2 tim atau lebih. Tiap tim akan bermain secara bergantian. ,  3. Mekanisme Permainan: Seorang anggota tim mengambil 1 kartu kata kunci secara acak. Dia harus menjelaskan arti kata tersebut kepada timnya tanpa menyebutkan kata itu secara langsung. Timnya harus menebak kata tersebut dalam waktu 30 detik. Jika berhasil, tim mendapat 1 poin. Jika tidak, kesempatan berpindah ke tim lawan. 4. Pemenang: Tim yang mengumpulka...

Titus 2:1-10 "Setiap peran Dalam Keluarga menjadi alat berkat"

 The correct teaching is a healthy teaching, with good and useful content. It makes its followers become righteous and healthy in their actions.

The teachings themselves are good and holy, and make those who believe in them good and holy as well. The teachings should make them worthy and enthusiastic to serve God.

That is the positive impact of teaching and example. Did you know that teaching greatly influences human behavior? Good and correct teachings are likely to shape good personalities, but wrong teachings have the greatest chance of creating problematic personalities.

The family is the core of society, where and from where the teaching begins. Families that live right will shape a righteous society as well.

In the social structure, older men are respected and revered. Over time, as they mature and have a stronger faith, they become superior and more capable than young men (verse 2). Therefore, the word in verse two for older men should be able to live simply, honorably, wisely in faith, have love, and persevere, should be found in the personality of older men.

Older women have an important role in the congregation. "Let them live as worshipers" that is holy, and manage households / the smallest congregation. In holiness. They must be an example for young women in loving their families and managing households (verses 3-5).

Young women need to know that they have a strategic position from God to influence children and be helpers to their husbands.

Young people also need to be able to control themselves in everything (verse 6). Young people tend to be impatient and easily angered, lack consideration, and always in a hurry, therefore they must be guided and advised to be full of consideration, not impulsive. They must listen and obey advice; not be hard-hearted, stubborn, arrogant, or conceited. Remember that many young people fall because of pride rather than sin. Therefore, behave honorably and wisely in your attitude and behavior.

Being obedient to their masters (verse 9) is the main obligation. Workers must also behave correctly by working diligently and showing obedience to their masters (verses 9-10). The word of God that they have heard must be evident in their behavior.


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